Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lover's Nest

One of the elements I love most in stained glass panels is when there's a stunning focal point in the piece. I'd look at other artist's work and wonder how they'd come up with those elements.

It wasn't until recently that it occurred to me that I could incorporate any glass element into my pieces. With this in mind I went out to the local antiques and collectibles store. There's always interesting glassware there. I almost never buy them though just because I don't display those kinda things. This time whenever glass caught my eye I'd pick it up and look at it with light shining through it.

I got a few pretty serving bowls and some interesting platters. But on my way to check out something caught my eye. It was a dirty jar stuffed away on a shelf. The frosted glass drew me to it and I realized there was a pretty image on the lid of the jar. Two birds cuddled together on a branch. I held the lid up to the light and realized what a beautiful image it was, even in its dingy state. Immediately ideas sprung to mind on the piece I'd create with it.

What a great find. From dingy jar shoved in the back of a shelf to proudly displayed stained glass panel.

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